Saturday, November 14, 2009

NASA Declares it Finds Water on the Moon

Last month (10/10/09) I posted a brief notice about NASA launching rockets into the Moon in its search for water.  Yesterday (11/13/09), after several weeks of analysis, NASA announced success in finding water.  A number of websites have interesting articles related to this and Google has modified its ever-changing logo to reflect this announcement. 

The revised Google logo will only be there a short time, so check it out now.  Google has also updated its Moon MapMashable has a brief article describing some of the new features, such as panoramic views, scientific charts, and more. 

Other articles on, CNN Tech, and all the major news outlets have articles, but be sure to go to NASA's website for articles on what this means to the scientific community as well as future space exploration plans.  One other site of interest, and it'll only take a few minutes to view it, is Live Science's page on the Top 10 Amazing Moon Facts.  And if you're an armchair scientist, be sure to read the comments as other readers discuss the science of the facts.  Just remember that many people talk as if they know their facts but that does not make it so.  Don't confuse assertiveness with correct facts.

Personally, I am excited about all this.  Having watched the space program grow from infancy - from looking up in the night sky to see Sputnik after its launch by the Russian space program and waiting for our own space program to develop, to Apollo missions, to today's missions - I eagerly await our next advancements in space.  Go NASA!  (Can you tell I'm off to homecoming today at NU?)

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